Tuesday, November 21, 2006

the land of the sub zero...

Just came back from Mongolia from a resource trip with ForeRunner. Its been really exciting to be able to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Mongolia.

MRT team with the students

I'm really blessed I could go on this trip. It's great to hear some of the desires and passions the students have. I'm sensing that as they continue seeking the Lord for direction and what the Lord has in mind for them, the music ministry will be a true light in the country for the Lord.

The students are a talented bunch as well! Students like "the beatbox man" Naka, Kush with his great vocals who says he is actually more a Morin Khauur Musician. Oyunka, who really good at the keyboards, and Moogii who just learnt the bass about a year ago but plays very well.

me in a beanie

And I'm thankful as well that God allowed me to use some of what I learnt as I was working outside to bless the students as well. I taught a class on sound basic and even got a chance to help Enke their sound person with some question and answer for his church sound. It's really been a privilege for me

On the last night, the student did a song for the team and came round to pray for us. At times like this, I could just fall on my knees in wonder. The love God showed us, me, through the students. Thank You Lord for I don't deserve this at all.

Friday, November 03, 2006

...to lose is to gain (in God's economy)...

What does it mean to lose somebody? Especially if it’s someone close to your heart? Like your mom? A person you admire from a distance? When that familiar pain strikes your heart, it just feels like your whole being is being torn apart. You struggle through the day, and you can’t sleep at night. Lord I want to learn that faith that Abraham had in Genesis 22, knowing Lord that you are in control and trusting your heart.

Lord I give you thanks you’ve allowed my mom to keep her job. Even though the child care centre she works in is moving to another location, her supervisors have decided to continue hiring her. Lord but as Simon said, let my heart be in a state where I’m always ready to say “Blessed be the name of the Lord!” for I know not what tomorrow holds. But I will hold on to God’s promises every minute i have life.

Matthew 6
33"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
34"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.